We had a great book event at the Toadstool on Saturday! Sold a bunch of books, and met some new people. Everyone was so game to try the exercises that our interactive conversation turned into a full-blown class!
Here we are, getting a sense of how different the sensations are in our body when we sing high, than when we sing low. Learning to feel the difference between notes is important for beginning singers. (pardon the low video quality — a passer-by sent this to me on his phone!)
We shared our personal singing stories, and talked about the obstacles we’ve encountered. Some in attendance were already singers, and some weren’t, but everybody got something out of it. Participants asked questions, and got to experience singing in harmony.
Among other things, we talked about basic music theory, the role of muscle memory in singing, supporting our voice with our breath, and how to deal with memorizing lyrics. We explored our voices and sound, creating both harmony and dissonance, and we ended by singing, “Bring Me a Little Water Sylvie.” An all around lovely experience.
The next stop on my local book tour is the Montague Bookmill in Montague, MA on November 5th at 2:00. I’ll be leading a similar conversation/class there and I’d love for you to join us!
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