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What People Are Saying…
“I’d lost myself. I needed to find my voice. Taking singing lessons and expressing myself this way has been part of a whole set of changes in my life. It can’t help but have a ripple effect. I’m painting again and have started a successful new business selling my art – I think it’s all connected.”
– Singing Student
“A wonderful affirming experience. Thank you.“
– Pat, Workshop Participant
“I loved our sessions and loved working with you. The lessons were very helpful and I am very grateful to have connected with you. I sing in the car driving to and from my mom’s every day!”
– Shendl, Skype Singing Student
“Let’s put it this way. I want my sky diving instructor to be very good at what she does, but I may need her to talk me into the plane and give me a gentle push out the door once we hit the right altitude. So, it was important to me that we established a good, trusting relationship.”
– A Skype Singing Student (making an analogy between singing and jumping out of a plane – both can take a lot of courage!)
“I am singing a little more and a little louder, and I think that is a direct result of our lessons. I think now that singing can be taught, absolutely — both in technique and in drawing out the singer inside.”
– Paul, A Skype Singing Student (Skyping to New Hampshire from Japan – how miraculous!)
“You can save a lot of money on therapy by doing this!” HA! He’s so right!
Build self-esteem and confidence through singing…
“I’m really self-concious about my singing voice and Nancy made it super-duper easy for me to just put my voice out there.”
At age 6 Marisa was told never to sing. Now, finally she’s singing, and loving it!
She’s doing it and YOU CAN TOO!!!
“I would say at this point, ‘Don’t listen to that voice in your head — just move forward and try it!'”
“I’m from a family of singers, and I couldn’t sing! I got what I came here for — to be fearless!”
Here’s how & why the Playground works for her…
It’s a lot more than I expected… it really turned me on to a lot of music I hadn’t heard before… and I learn so much!” “