Singing Workshops for “non-singers,” beginning singers, and anyone who wants to feel more comfortable and expressive with their voice.
Workshops are held in New England, NYC, and California, as well as online via Zoom.
If you’ve wanted to sing in a chorus, wished you could sing along with friends, wanted to feel more comfortable singing the Happy Birthday song, or even just get more out of singing by yourself, these workshops are the perfect first step! Specially designed for beginners and the “non-singer” who wants to learn to sing!
• If you can talk you can sing! Yes, EVEN YOU!!
• Learn in a way that’s supportive, comfortable & fun
• Discover your own natural voice
• Become more confident – experience some singing success!
• Take home skills to start you on your way!
Through a combination of games, improvisation and simple songs from around the world we’ll explore different aspects of the voice. We’ll create a tool kit of accessible techniques for you to take home and use as you develop your skills. Discover the joy of your unique voice and let go of that old idea that singing isn’t for you!
January 25-26, 2025
A Weekend Workshop/Retreat in New York City
From Fear to Joy:
Discover (or Re-Discover) Your Inner Singer!
A weekend workshop/retreat for “non-singers,” beginning singers, or anyone who wants to become more confident and expressive with their voice!
We’ll share our singing stories and get to know one another, and have lots of fun exploring our voices and singing together. We’ll work on important foundational skills such as breathing for singing, learn how to sing more in tune, learn basic music theory as it applies to singing. And of course we’ll sing lots of songs — all in a non-judgmental and joyful atmosphere!
Tuition: $600/person
Register Now or Learn More
Date TBA: 3 Hours
Live on Zoom
Fear of Singing Breakthrough Workshop:
Discover (or Re-Discover) Your Inner Singer!
For beginning singers, people who think of themselves as “non-singers,” or anyone who wants to become more comfortable and expressive with their voice.
We’ll share our singing stories and get to know one another, work on breathing for singing, learn how to sing more in tune, learn basic music theory as it applies to singing, and sing lots of songs — all in a non-judgmental and joyful atmosphere.
NOTE: Though 3 hours may seem like a long time to spend on Zoom, I promise the time will fly by! We’ll be up moving our bodies, breaking into small groups and pairs, doing lots of compelling activities, singing lots of songs, and PLAYING and EXPLORING together — this won’t be another boring or monotonous ZOOM experience!
Date TBA: 3 Hours
Live on Zoom
Fear of Singing Breakthrough Workshop:
Discover (or Re-Discover) Your Inner Singer!
For beginning singers, people who think of themselves as “non-singers,” or anyone who wants to become more comfortable and expressive with their voice.
We’ll share our singing stories and get to know one another, work on breathing for singing, learn how to sing more in tune, learn basic music theory as it applies to singing, and sing lots of songs — all in a non-judgmental and joyful atmosphere.
NOTE: Though 3 hours may seem like a long time to spend on Zoom, I promise the time will fly by! We’ll be up moving our bodies, breaking into small groups and pairs, doing lots of compelling activities, singing lots of songs, and PLAYING and EXPLORING together — this won’t be another boring or monotonous ZOOM experience!
Date & Time To Be Announced
Live on Zoom
Keep on Singing! Alumni Workshop
These workshops are specially designed for people who have previously attended a Fear of Singing Breakthrough Workshop and would like to keep going…
Experience the joy of learning to sing in a fun, supportive atmosphere!
Continue delving into the joy of singing and become more expressive and comfortable with your voice. Learn new songs (perhaps even in some new languages), fine-tune some familiar songs, and get individual attention and feedback.
The guidelines are the same as always: No judgement, no stress, we’re here to learn, explore, play and have fun making music together!
These Keep on Singing workshops will be scheduled regularly (at least every other month) so part of the joy is creating and growing a community, and getting to know each other through song and sound — and what could be better than that?!
Learn to Sing in Tune:
A Vocal Pitch-Matching Intensive Class
Focused games and exercises to help you understand what it means and what it feels like to match pitch and to improve your ability to sing “in tune”. Deep listening along with plenty of opportunities to compare and contrast the sounds you’re making with the sounds you’re hearing are the key. Wear comfortable clothes; we’ll be doing some yoga-style breathing and movement to support our voices.
Echo About Town:
An Acoustics Field Trip
Join us in a musical morning adventure! In a non-judgmental group setting we will create and explore our own vocal and instrumental music, and sing a few familiar songs as well, in three different acoustic settings. Parking garages, the woods, churches, lakes (for example) all have their own way of reflecting and absorbing our music. This will be fun, relaxed, and NOT performance oriented (I don’t expect us to have an audience except for perhaps the occasional curious passer by…). Afterwards we’ll go get some lunch at a local restaurant! Lunch is optional not included in fee. Bring any and all instruments, and I’ll bring mine to share. Think singing in the shower is fun?! Come with us to find the acoustic hot spots around town.
Christmas and Holiday Songs Sing-Along
A great opportunity to get comfortable singing holiday favorites (mostly Christmas and a few Chanukah songs).
Email Nancy or call 603-357-4693 for upcoming dates and locations.
With life-long certainty I told Nancy I was tone-deaf
and within two minutes she had me matching a note she was singing. I was amazed and a little bit giddy!
I thought I’d have to die and be reborn to do this!
Thank you so much for our singing session. That was something I will never forget. Until recently I would never have done that. ? It’s all about growing. You are doing such great things for others with your gift. Thank you for sharing.
I knew nothing about singing but I have found that I can do this. It feels so good to sing with other humans.
Click here for resources discussing the influence of music created by Black/Indigenous People of Color.
Get Started for FREE!
Not quite ready to jump into lessons? Get your free copy of “6 Easy & Fun Tips for ’Non-Singers’ Who Wish They Could Sing” and start singing now!
After you sign up, CHECK YOUR EMAIL!
What People Are Saying —
“I just want to let you know how much I am enjoying the singing lessons. I haven’t had this much pure fun since I was in the third grade. It really is liberating for an old codger like me to just cut loose and make joyful noise like I did back then.”
– Brian, Adult Singing Student
“As a private lesson student with Nancy, with a lot of fear of singing, I found after just one session my confidence grow. I attended a birthday party, and when the candles on the cake were lit, I immediately led the crowd in singing “Happy Birthday”! You have no idea what a big step this was for me!”
– Melanie, Workshop Participant and Private Student
“My mother, Charmian, called me this morning pretty euphoric. She said that she “finally felt free”. That she’d thought all her life that she was only capable of making a croaking sound but, instead, had heard herself sing one high note and one note in the middle that was really a tone. She’s always had fifth chakra issues, sore throats, laryngitis, power speaking, etc. This week, when she goes to her meditation meeting, she’ll join in the ‘oohming’ part for the first time.
She said that the workshop ‘changed her life’ after 94 years of being shut down/out.
This was an enormous breakthrough for her. Your program was so well structured and led with such enthusiasm and joy. Congratulations to you. What a gift for everyone there.” With gratitude,”
– Cathy (Daughter of 94 year old workshop participant!)
“The lessons made me feel a lot more comfortable with my voice, and singing in front of people. Also, I think that I’m better at staying on pitch, and getting the pitch right the first time. Plus lessons were just a lot of fun! I really enjoyed them! Thank you again. Hope to see you next summer!“
– Ruth, Teenage Singing Student
“It surprised me how easy it was most of the time, to let go and just sing and make sounds. One thing I really like about Nancy’s teaching is that she brings a straight forward can-do energy to the group, allowing for fears and nervousness but not focusing on those.”
– Workshop Participant