Brought to you by Nancy Salwen and the Fearless Singers Playground!


Let’s sing together in all our imperfect glory — lots of fun!

Wednesday, June 26th at 7:00pm EST

Note: This is Eastern Standard Time — please adjust as needed!

Register below, and I’ll send you the Zoom link to join in… (it’s easy!)

After you sign up, CHECK YOUR EMAIL. (It sometimes takes a few minutes, so if it’s not there right away, check again soon — thanks for your patience!)

There’s a myth around singing that “either you have it or you don’t.” But this isn’t true!

Singing is a learnable skill — you just need the right kind of support (which you probably never got before). 

CURIOUS ABOUT The Fearless Singers Playground? 


  • Weekly Community Gatherings & Sing-Alongs on ZOOM
  • Access to our Members-Only Facebook Group
  • 24-hour Access to Playground Website with lots of songs, fun accessible practice activities and mini-lessons.
  • A FREE 1/2 hour private get-acquainted lesson with me 

As with all my singing programs and lessons, our guiding principles are kindness, non-judgement, exploration, curiosity, and playfulness. Many of you are beginners, and it’s wonderful that you’re stepping into the world of singing — that’s a bold step! Congratulations!

Throughout this strange and stressful time, it’s good to remember that SINGING IS GOOD FOR EVERYTHING! Throughout the ages people have sung for comfort, courage and community — I certainly know it works that way for me. I hope you will join us and share in the joy!

Click here to learn more or sign up for the Playground.

What Students and Workshop Participants are Saying…