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What People Are Saying…
“I’d lost myself. I needed to find my voice. Taking singing lessons and expressing myself this way has been part of a whole set of changes in my life. It can’t help but have a ripple effect. I’m painting again and have started a successful new business selling my art – I think it’s all connected.”
– Singing Student
“A wonderful affirming experience. Thank you.“
– Pat, Workshop Participant
“I loved our sessions and loved working with you. The lessons were very helpful and I am very grateful to have connected with you. I sing in the car driving to and from my mom’s every day!”
– Shendl, Skype Singing Student
“Let’s put it this way. I want my sky diving instructor to be very good at what she does, but I may need her to talk me into the plane and give me a gentle push out the door once we hit the right altitude. So, it was important to me that we established a good, trusting relationship.”
– A Skype Singing Student (making an analogy between singing and jumping out of a plane – both can take a lot of courage!)
“I am singing a little more and a little louder, and I think that is a direct result of our lessons. I think now that singing can be taught, absolutely — both in technique and in drawing out the singer inside.”
– Paul, A Skype Singing Student (Skyping to New Hampshire from Japan – how miraculous!)