Free Sing-Alongs, Brought to you by Nancy Salwen and the Fearless Singers Playground…
Let’s sing together in all our imperfect glory — lots of fun!
Here is the upcoming schedule:
Sunday, February 27th at 7:00 pm EST
Wednesday, April 27th at 8:30 pm EST
Saturday, July 9th at 1:00 pm EST
Register once to come to any or all, and I’ll send you the Zoom link to join in… (it’s easy!)
After you sign up, CHECK YOUR EMAIL. (It sometimes takes a few minutes, so if it’s not there right away, check again soon — thanks for your patience!)

Hi, I’m Nancy, Your Songleader!
I’ve been teaching and leading “non-singers” (really, there is no such thing!) and beginners for over 15 years.
My mission is to help you discover, or rediscover, your inner singer so you can partake in one of the most sou-feeding, joyous experiences life has to offer — singing in community!
I hope to meet you and sing with you soon!
What People Are Saying…

There’s a myth around singing that “either you have it or you don’t.” But this isn’t true!
Singing is a learnable skill — you just need the right kind of support (which you probably never got before).
CURIOUS ABOUT The Fearless Singers Playground?
- Weekly Community Gatherings (Sing-Alongs / Mini-Workshops / Etc.) on ZOOM (Come when you can.)
- Access to our Members-Only Facebook Group
- 24-hour Access to Playground Website full of lessons, songs, & fun accessible practice activities.
- A FREE 1/2 hour private get-acquainted lesson with me
As with all my singing programs and lessons, our guiding principles are kindness, non-judgement, exploration, curiosity, and playfulness. Many of you are beginners, and it’s wonderful that you’re stepping into the world of singing — that’s a bold step! Congratulations!
Throughout this strange and stressful time, it’s good to remember that SINGING IS GOOD FOR EVERYTHING! Throughout the ages people have sung for comfort, courage and community — I certainly know it works that way for me. I hope you will join us and share in the joy!