Lessons on Improvising:

• Deep Listening: Natural Sounds
• Courage, Love & Singing
• Draw What You Sing

Backing Tracks & Support Videos for Improvising:

• Sing with a Drone Note
• Singing in the Song Bath
• Singing with a Shruti

The backing tracks and videos above provide a foundation of sound to support you as you improvise, as well as instructions on how to use them.

Remember — the way I use the term “improvising” just means that you’re making stuff up. There are no wrong notes and you can’t get it wrong. It’s all about exploration and fun!

Key Idea:

When we sing SONGS, there are right notes and wrong notes. 

Improvising gives you a chance to get away from the world of right and wrong.

When we make a commitment for a little while to truly give up the idea of right and wrong and enter a world of non-judgment and curiosity, amazing things can happen!

We experience sound in a new way, practicing mindfulness and deep listening, with both the sounds around us and the sounds we are making.

When we have permission to say, “There are no wrong notes” and really mean it, we can go places we’ve never gone before with our voices.

It’s magical!

Improvising provides fertile ground for learning, and it’s FUN!