I don’t want to rehearse, I want to watch TV!!
When I was in a chorus, I was pretty consistently reluctant to leave the house to go to my Tuesday night rehearsals.
Now I’m in a band and I often feel exhausted by 6:30 which is when we rehearse, and don’t know how on earth I will muster the energy to make music, much less communicate with other human beings.
But inevitably, once we’re singing I’m so happy […]
Doubt the Doubts!
Hi Friends!
I recently heard a great expression:
“Doubt the Doubts”
It’s pretty self-explanatory but still, let’s ponder this for a bit…
We’re so quick to react to our self-doubts; if a doubt is planted by someone else we’re quick to believe it. We tend to react by shutting down and/or giving up.
Scenario (possibly you can relate to this 😊):
Meet Liz!
Hello Everyone — Meet Liz!
In this video she talks about her experience in the Fearless Singers Playground, my online membership program for beginning singers.
I love her passion!! ❤️
Join the
MnaMna ❤️
Anyone else remember this from their childhood?
This was probably one of my first experiences of improvising within a structure.
They start with the first Mahna mahna, boop boopie doopie a few times — that’s “home”. Then the jazzy guy starts to make stuff up & go a little crazy, and then — back to the repeated (and grounding) Mahna mahna, boop boopie doopie!
Then me and my mom would do it. This […]
Recovering Quickly from Mistakes
Here’s a little video about one of the most important singing skills of all — recovering quickly from mistakes. (Also a great skill to help with life in general!)
It’s a skill you can learn!
You know how I get pretty silly during our sing-along warmups?
There’s a reason for that.
Once we start taking it all less seriously and not succumbing to the inner voice that […]
Practice the 1-3-5 with me for 3 1/2 minutes…
Singing or visualizing the 1-3-5 not only anchors us firmly in the key but also provides essential reference points as we embark on the journey of learning new songs. Questions like, “Where does this particular note in the song fall in the context of the 1-3-5?” become powerful tools for visualizing and succeeding as we approach songs.
Get the NEW Fear of Singing Book! Includes Online Audio Tracks & Videos.
Look for it at your local bookstore or Buy it on Amazon!

Click here for resources discussing the influence of music created by Black/Indigenous People of Color.
Get Started for FREE!
Not quite ready to jump into lessons? Get your free copy of “6 Easy & Fun Tips for Non-Singers Who Wish They Could Sing” and start singing now!
After you sign up, CHECK YOUR EMAIL!
Event Schedule
(in-person and online)
Got questions?
Email Nancy or call 603-721-1492
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Tuesday, December 3 at 7:00 pm EST
Register Here!
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Saturday – Sunday, January 25 – 26
Manhattan, New York City
Register Here!
• • • • • •
For Weekly Sing-Alongs & Mini-Workshops…
Learn all about it HERE!
What People Are Saying —
“I just want to let you know how much I am enjoying the singing lessons. I haven’t had this much pure fun since I was in the third grade. It really is liberating for an old codger like me to just cut loose and make joyful noise like I did back then.”
– Brian, Adult Singing Student
“As a private lesson student with Nancy, with a lot of fear of singing, I found after just one session my confidence grow. I attended a birthday party, and when the candles on the cake were lit, I immediately led the crowd in singing “Happy Birthday”! You have no idea what a big step this was for me!”
– Melanie, Workshop Participant and Private Student
“My mother, Charmian, called me this morning pretty euphoric. She said that she “finally felt free”. That she’d thought all her life that she was only capable of making a croaking sound but, instead, had heard herself sing one high note and one note in the middle that was really a tone. She’s always had fifth chakra issues, sore throats, laryngitis, power speaking, etc. This week, when she goes to her meditation meeting, she’ll join in the ‘oohming’ part for the first time.
She said that the workshop ‘changed her life’ after 94 years of being shut down/out.
This was an enormous breakthrough for her. Your program was so well structured and led with such enthusiasm and joy. Congratulations to you. What a gift for everyone there.” With gratitude,”
– Cathy (Daughter of 94 year old workshop participant!)
“The lessons made me feel a lot more comfortable with my voice, and singing in front of people. Also, I think that I’m better at staying on pitch, and getting the pitch right the first time. Plus lessons were just a lot of fun! I really enjoyed them! Thank you again. Hope to see you next summer!“
– Ruth, Teenage Singing Student
“It surprised me how easy it was most of the time, to let go and just sing and make sounds. One thing I really like about Nancy’s teaching is that she brings a straight forward can-do energy to the group, allowing for fears and nervousness but not focusing on those.”
– Workshop Participant